Your ChangeLab Team

Dr. Arlena Jung

For the past 10 years I have been helping individuals, teams and whole organisations successfully realize their developmental goals. 2022 I founded ChangeLab Consulting. My goal was and is to provide ChangeLab customers as an experienced and highly qualified team the organisational, change and leadership expertise they need for dealing effectively with the complexities of change processes.

What motivates and drives me: We live in an increasingly volatile and fast-paced world. People, teams and whole organisations at times experience themselves as subjects of complex dynamics they neither understand nor can control. What motivates me is helping individuals, teams and whole organisations become the architects of their own world.

What characterises and defines me as a consultant: Both my analytical approach and my open, solution oriented mindset. As an organisational sociologists with a background in systems and communication theory I am trained in understanding the complex interrelationships of change processes. What, however, never stops both fascinating, inspiring and motivating me, is the power of well designed change measures. Together we develop innovative solutions for reaching your developmental goals. With much constructive energy and when necessary a grain of tenacity I accompany you in all stage of your change process.

  • Startups and SMEs
  • Project Organisations
  • Family and owner-led organisations
  • Public Organisations
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Organisational Development
  • Strategic Positioning
  • Team Development
  • Leadership Cultur
  • Leadership Training
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Conflict Management
  • Training in systemic development
  • University Education
    • PhD in systems theory, communication science and organisational sociology, Bielefeld University
 (Scholarship, Grade: Summa Cum Laude)
    • Scholarship student at the George-Washington-University, Washington D.C., Sociology
    • Political Science and History at the Friedrich-Alexander Universtiy Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • Sociology and History, Charls University Prague
  • Scientific studies on organisational change processes
  • University lecturer for "Leaderhip and Healthy Leadership", "Organisational Behaviour", "Intercultural Competence" and "Organisational Development"
  • Leadership Experience
    • Head of Deparment for Journalism and Communication at the DEKRA University Berlin
    • Team and Projekt Management in Research Institutes and Project Organisations
  • Head of the ChangeLab Academy for Systemic Development 
    • Training Program for Systemic Coaching, certified by the European Coaching Association
    • Training Program for Systemic Organisational Development
  • Specialized Qualifications
    • Process and embodiment focussed psychology® (PEP 1), certified by the medical council of lower saxony
    • Professional Scrum Master (PSM I)
    • Coaching Instructor, ECA certified
    • Sytemic Business Coach, isiBerlin, SG certified and Management Executive Coach, ECA certified
    • Systemic Organization Consultancy, artop – Institut an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, SG certified
  • Academic High School Diploma, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Change Management - 100 page course script

Trust-based Leadership - necessity or hype?
Zeitschrift: Wissensmanagement > Ausgabe 2/2021

Remote Leadership - Principals, Tools and Practices of Successful Virtual Collaboration
Ratgeber bei EXPERTEmagazin, 2021

Employee retention - tools and strategies in an increasingly heterogenous world „STAY – Die Konferenz für Mitarbeiterbindung“ der Quadriga Media GmbH, Berlin 12.02.2020

Strategic management in project and expert organisation - dilemmas and success strategies, business psychology, regional group, Berlin-Brandenburg, guest speaker, 13.03.2017

Systemic Organisational Development: Theoretical foundations and methodological principals, guest speaker, Erfurt University, December 2016

Teaching and learning culture - a question of group dynamics, in: Die Neue Hochschule, October Edition, 2016 Die Neue Hochschule, Oktober Heft, 2016

Successfully managing change in expert and project organisations, in: „wissensmanagement – Das Magazin für Führungskräfte, 03/2016

Private Universities: Organisationl characterstics, strategic development and university politics, in: Die Neue Hochschule, Dezember Heft, 2015

The Multiple Regimes of Scientific Advisory Agencies, European Group for Organisational Studies, Montreal 2014.

Conflict Management: From Negotiation to Socialisation, European Group for Organisational Studies, Helsinki 2012.

Packing and unpacking intercultural communication. How intercultural collaboration can work inspite of negative conflict dynamics. in: Wirtschaft Regional. Das Wirtschaftsmagazin für Führungskräfte in der Region, 9/2011, p. 16-17; 2011.

Culture Matters – The Success Story of the Volkswagen-Skoda Venture, mit Dr. Matthias Klemm, Prof. Dr. Gert Schmidt, Vlado Simeunovic and Prof. Dr. Ilja Srubar, in: Michael Faust, Ulrich Voskamp und Volker Wittke (Hrsg.): European Industrial Restructuring in a Global Economy. Fragementation and Relocation of Valus Chains, Göttingen:

Michael Stein

ChangeLab Organisationsberatung

For the past 15 years I have been helping companies develop their personell and adjust their organisational designs to changing circumstances. In my consultancy work I often focus on leadership, productivity and purpose. I bring a deep understanding of how powerful these three aspects of both individual, team and organisational development can be - based on my own experience in leadership positions and as the former head of the human resource and organisational development department at the Hertie School Berlin. As a systemic consultant I have a differentiated understanding of contextual factors that contribute to a healthy working environment, making long-term success more than just a possibility. As a psychotherapist I help my clients understand implications of management decisions on the organisational culture, on employee motivation and employee retention.

  • Startups and SMEs
  • Project Organisations
  • Family and owner-led organisations
  • Public Organisations
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Personal development
  • Conflict Management
  • Team Development
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Many years of experience of a systemic consultant in the areas of personal and organisational develompent
  • Psychotherapeutic work in my own practice, certified by the European School for Biodynamic psychology and body-oriented psycho-therapy
  • Leadership Experience
    • Head of Human Resources and Organizational Development, Hertie School Berlin
    • Strategy and Organisational Design (Engineering Consultancy)
    • International Business Development (Medical Technology)
    • Product Management (Medical Technology)

Stephan Blässing

Leadership Coaching

Seit 2017 berate und unterstütze ich als Coach und Unternehmensberater Führungskräfte der mittleren und oberen Management Ebene. Davor habe ich als Projekt- und Teamleiter gearbeitet, sowie 10 Jahre auf oberster Führungsebene als Geschäftsführer in  zwei interinternationalen Großunternehmen.

Was mich als Berater auszeichnet: Mit meiner insgesamt zwanzigjährigen Führungserfahrung besitze ich eine umfangreiche und erfahrungsbasierte Leadership-Expertise. 
Mit diesem Wissen und meiner Expertise als Führungspersönlichkeit gebe ich Ihnen Tools und Praktiken an die Hand, die Sie sofort nutzen können. Messbare Effizienzsteigerungen und Optimierung von Prozessen ist ein wesentlicher Punkt meiner Beratungstätigkei

Was mich motiviert und antreibt: Was mich motiviert und antreibt: Ziele erreichen, mit neuen Denkmodellen innovative Ideen und Lösungen entwickeln, Leadership Performance steigern.

  • Startups and SMEs
  • Project Organisations
  • Family and owner-led organisations
  • Public Organisations
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Process Management
  • Service and Customer Orientation
  • Strategic Positioning
  • Leadership Cultur
  • Leadership Training
  • C-Level Coaching
  • Coaching for Young Professionals
  • Business-Coaching
  • Leadership Experience
    • 10 years of leadership experience in top management (managing director of Porsche Berlin, managing director of Daimler-Benz)
    • 10 years of leadership expertise as a project manager and in middle management
  • Specialized Qualifications
    • Porsche Executive Programm
    • Daimler-Benz Senior Management Programm
    • Systemich Coach, ECA certified
    • Systemich Coach, ECA certified

Stefan Lockowandt

Das Wesentliche fokussieren

After studying business intelligence and process management I worked in strategic and organisational development in tech Startup and am currently working as an agil coach.

My goal is to help create organisations in which every employee experiences himself as making a valuable contribution to the common organisational goals. And this in an atmosphere characterised by mutual appreciation, entrepreneurial clarity and team-spirit. I help make sure all relevant interests, perspectives and ideas are brought to the table, creating a robust and integrative road map for future development. I see facilitating an open and constructive mindset as a key aspect of my work as a consultant.

What defines me as a consultant: I combine an open minded approach to challenging situations with pragmatism. I see helping my clients set clear goals and focus on priorities as a key aspect of my work - both in my team development processes and in my coaching sessions. What counts are solutions that work. And the best solutions are often the simplest. In my experience success often means both the willingness to experiment with the possibilities and finding the easiest most pragmatic way of overcoming challenges: Never losing sight of priorities while working together to achieve your goals. Dealing pragmatically with obstacles as they arise.

  • Startups and SMEs
  • Project Organisations
  • Family and owner-led organisations
  • Public Organisations
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Team Development
  • Agil Project and Product Management
  • Process Management
  • Strategic Management
  • University Education
    • B.Sc.BSc Industrial engineering (materials and process technology)
    • M.Sc. Business Intelligence and Process Management, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
  • Research on Strategy implementation process in universities and colleges
  • Agile Team Coach and Delivery Manager at REWE digital
  • Agil Product Development
  • Specialized Qualifications
    • Professional Scrum Master (PSM I)
    • Value-orientated systemic coach and consultant (St. Gallen Coaching Modell®)
    • Design Thinking @HPI
    • Strategic Management, 
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