Developing Organisations
and People


Successfully navigating organisational development requires change intelligence. As experts in organisational development we help you set cleary defined goals and use the operational expertise of your employees as a valuable ressource.


Use our change expertise, strengthen your competitive edge.

Your agile



Development Programs

ChangeLab in Aktion


Trust-Based Leadership

Dr. Arlena Jung

With increasingly complex and volatile market dynamics accountability, engagement and solution-orientation among employees has become a key success factor. Without trust, however, ...


Trust-based Leadership - necessity or hype?

Dr. Arlena Jung

Die Rede von Vertrauen hat Konjunktur. Dass Vertrauen für Führungskräfte ein schwieriges Thema sein …


High Performance Teams - A Question of Group Dynamics

Dr. Arlena Jung

Highly motivated employees, a cooperative work atmosphere, commitment to team goals, accountability and a solution oriented mindset - something team leaders and most employees long for and aspire to....

Leadership | Teams | Organisations

Consulting for Universities

Systemic Coaching | ECA certified

Professional Coaching

Coaching Training | ECA certified

In-House Coaching Training

Your ChangeLab Team


Navigating complexity,
becoming the architect of your own world

Dr. Arlena Jung

Leadership Coaching
Team Development
Organisational Development
Leadership Coaching

Overcoming limitations, developing innovative solutions

Stephan Blässing

Leadership Coaching
Organisational Development
Das Wesentliche fokussieren

Navigating change with a clear sense of priorities

Stefan Lockwandt

Team Development
Agile Tools and Practices
ChangeLab Organisationsberatung

Understanding patterns, realizing your potential

Michael Stein

Leadership Coaching
Team Development

Customer Testimonials


Many of our customers work in

Christian Kerber, Projektmanager - Startup Center der TH Wildau

"A very competent and friendly consultant. Her expertise is a real benefit for startups. Individual questions and concerns are always welcome and answered professionally with attention to important details. Her methods and tools for dealing with challenges in organisational development processes are very helpful. I can highly recommend her as a coach and consultant.

Many thanks!"

Christian Kerber, Project ManagerStarup Center TH Wildau
Johannes Petereit, Personalabteilung - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum

"I have gotten to know Arlena as a very open minded, competent and above all astute trainer. Based on her both broad and in-depth expertise she quickly understands the underlying issues and directly adresses them. As she is very friendly, uncomplicated and solution oriented it is always a great pleasure working with her."

Johannes Petereit, PersonalabteilungGFZ German Research Center for Geosciences
Steffen Schill, Projektleiter - EHIP GmbH

"Dr. Jung is a very reliable and competent consultant that does what she promises. She played a very important role in our start-up project - both as a consultant and as an author.

We are glad to continue working with her."

Steffen Schill, ProjektleiterEHIP GmbH
Julia Kailasvuori, Personalentwicklung - Zukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH

“Arlena Jung regularly gives seminars in our company on goal and solution oriented communication, negotiation skills and conflict management. We have gotten to know her as a very experienced, competent and empathetic trainer, with a high degree of flexibility in adjusting her workshops to the individual needs of the participants. Working with her is extremely pleasant and uncomplicated.”

Julia, Kailasvuori, personnel developmentZukunft – Umwelt – Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH
Personalentwicklung - Jobcenter Dortmund

“Dr. Jung has been a very valuable resource in our organizational development process in the Jobcenter Dortmund. Her expertise and willingness to go the extra mile was a great asset both on the level of individual teams as well as in her work with the managing and divisional directors. She contributed greatly to the success of our team building measures with her professional approach and extremely empathetic manner. Her positive and professional manner was very well received in all the teams and had a lasting impact on strengthening the team spirit in our organization and in the individual teams.”

personnel developmentJobcenter Dortmund


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