Maintaining a competitive edge in highly dynamic market environments requires change intelligence. In organisational development processes there are no simple "when-then" rules. Which is why a professional understanding of the relevant context factors, the courage to question longstanding assumptions and a pragmatic sense of high impact change measures are key success factors. Together we develop a change architecture tailored to your specific goals and business context.
@ ChangeLab Organisationsberatung
We view your developmental goals with a professional understanding of relevant organisational context factors. Using this expertise we develop a change architecture, tailored to your specific goals and business context. A well-designed change architecture is, however, only a first step. Successful organisational development also requires the willingness to regularly evaluate the process and when necessary make adjustments. We accompany you in all phases of your organisational development process - as trusted advisors and sparrings partners.
In a dynamic market environment, the initiative and engagement of your teams and individual team members is key to maintaining a competitive edge. We help you implement tools and practices that increase the agility of your company by empowering your teams, while strengthing their performance and solution orientation.
Changing the leadership culture of an organisation per decree is not possible. How then can you successfully develop your leadership culture? A successful leadership development process requires having a shared vision of the leadership culture you want to live. Developing a mission statement can be a first important step in this direction. Ensuring a lasting impact in terms of actual leadership behaviour, however, requires much more. In every real development process there is a gap between what we aspire to and what we are currently able to achieve. Key to bridging this gap is an iterative and participatory leadership development process. To us developing your leadership culture means empowering your leaders to successfully deal with everyday leadership challenges while realising company and individual values in their leadership behaviour. Use our leadership and change expertise to design and implement a leadership development process that will have a deep and lasting impact on the quality of work in your company.
Real change means bridging the gap between developemental goals, mindset and leadership actual practices. Our leadership programms are tailored to the specific leadership challenges and developmental goals of your organisation. Together we develop iterative learning and feedback cycles insync with the culture and operative reality of your company.
Institutionalisation: In many organisations a leadership culture development process is considered finished with the development of a leadership mission statement or with the implementation of a leadership development program. I strongly recommend going one step further. These measures will only have a lasting impact if you take the time for a reality check. Are the structures, tools and practices of your organisation compatible with leadership culture you aspire to? If existing practices are not compatible or even function as pragmatic solutions are necessary.
Step by step I help develop the leadership culture you want.
In a fast paced competitive environment, companies need clear strategic goals to succeed. Implementing strategies is, however, always a complex process. Using the expertise of all relevant stakeholders in an integrative strategy development process is key to managing this complexity. Use our expertise in strategic positioning to accelerate your success.
Building a constructive feedback culture is a matter of combining a climate of recognition and mutual appreciation with a clear and actionable evaluation of performance. We help establish constructive feedback practices as an integral part of your company culture.
In our globalised world intercultural contexts permeate many aspects of our working lives. Working in an intercultural context bears both chances and risks. We help you understand intercultural differences, explore opportunities for collaboration and establish a common understanding of shared values and professional norms.
An increasingly complex and dynamic market environment requires well-tuned meeting structures. We help you reduce coordination costs and establish effective decision making processes.
Establishing a cooperative, trust based working climate in your teams improves employee satisfaction and lays the groundwork for a healthy organisational culture.
The longer a conflict remains unresolved the more entangled, messy and taxing it becomes. We help you understanding the underlying issues and find lasting solutions.
Goal: Highly motivated employees, a cooperative work atmosphere, a deeply held commitment to common team goals, accountability and a solution oriented mindset - things both team leaders and most team members long for.
Challenge: Teamwork, however, doesn’t always meet the desired and necessary standards. Never ending discussions with ambiguous results, unclear responsibilities, an ineffective workflow – stress factors that have high costs. Among the most typical costs are bottle necks, high mistake margins and frequent team conflicts.
Solution: The right team development measures can have a deep and lasting impact on the quality of work in your team. Based on our understanding of relevant context factors and group dynamics we help you realize the full potential of your team.