ChangeLab Academy
Systemic Training Programms
Systemic Coaching
Systemic coaching is based on scientific findings from the fields such as psychology and behavioral science. Over the last couple of decades it has also benefited from important insights from the neuro-sciences. Essential to systemic coaching is shifting the focus of your coachees from problems to resources, goals and solutions, thereby sowing the seeds of a growth mindset and self empowerment. Systemic coaching, however, also means thinking in terms of interdependencies. Understanding the at times complex intra- and inter-personal interdependencies involved in a situation, is a pre-requisite for developing solutions that have a deep and lasting impact. As a practice systemic coaching is rooted in active listening, question technique and re-framing. Key to systemic coaching are methods developed to strengthen your coachees sense of self, including both his or her self-awareness and self-empathy.

- Training Program
Professional Coaching
- 9 places still available
Your Role as a Coach
As a coach you help your coachees gain a deeper understanding of their individual proclivities, needs and behavioral patterns. You strengthen them in their ability to look at their inter-personal relationships and work-life situations from different perspectives. Together you explore new strategies for dealing with challenges. In your role as a coach, you encourage your coachee to rely on his or her own understanding of self and on his or her own personal resources. With a rich tool-box of systemic coaching methods you accompany you coachees in their personal development journey and help them achieve goals that truly fit their individual needs and strengths.
In-House Coaching Training
Developing the full potential of your employees
Maintaining a competitive edge in a complex and dynamic market environment requires a high degree of agility and resilience from every single employee. In our training program your future in-house coaches learn the skills they need to enable leaders and employees to develop their full potential while strengthening their agility and resilience.
Enhancing the agility and strategic intelligence of your firm
Staying one step ahead of market developments is, however, not only a question of individual but also organisational agility and strategic intelligence. Thus, many companies respond to the complexities of a high-paced, competitive market environment by empowering organisational units to independently develop individual solutions. This in turn creates a high degree on internal orgainsational complexity. Developing key players that function as a link between different organisational units and management levels greatly enhances your company’s ability to successfully navigate this complexity. As facilitators and enablers these employees need both the in-depth business understanding of in-house experts and the full range of coaching skills from empowerment and moderation to conflict management techniques.
- Training Program
In-House Coaching Training
Participants and qualifications goals
We help you decide, which employees should participate in the in-house training program. Together we define the qualification goals tailored to the future roles of the participants.
Systemic Consulting

Systemic consulting is based on the findings of psychology and behavioral sciences on group dynamics and the psycho-sociology of organisational change processes. It is also rooted in insights from organisational sociology and management research on the different logics of organisational systems. Central to systemic change management is understanding the many-layered interdependencies of successful change processes. With a professional understanding of the relevant context factors, change measures are developed that do justice the operational and strategic reality of your customers companies.
As a practice systemic consulting is defined by the development of change and context sensitive intervention measures. Hypotheses about interdependencies are continually re-evaluated in iterative loops and change measures modified accordingly. Creating a healthy change process also means understanding and appreciating the functionality of existing structures, leadership practices and the existing organizational culture. A systemic approach to change management views the expertise of the members of an organization as a valuable resource and a key success factor. Thus, in our training program you are trained in facilitating a participative change process, designed to integrate diverse perspective. You learn to develop a change architecture that meets managerial criteria of operational and strategic efficiency while acknowledging the crucial role of employees and stakeholders as change agents.
Our working environments are becoming increasingly volatile (V), uncertain (U), complex (C) and ambiguous (A). Often people, teams and even whole companies feel like the subjects of dynamics they neither understand nor can control. Dealing effectively with the challenges of the VUCA world and discovering its entrepreneurial potential is a matter of organisational, socio-psychological and change intelligence. As a systemic consultant you help individuals, teams and whole organizations become the architects of their own world. In our training program you gain an in depth understanding of both the logic of different organisational structures and of organisational behaviour. You practice designing a change architecture tailored to the specific goals and context of different companies and continually improve your interpersonal consulting skills.
- Training Program
Organisational Development
Our Training Approach
Based in Science | Praxis Oriented | Interactive

Based in science: Change process are complex and do not adhere to straight forward, linear “when-then” rules. Thus, change management requires change intelligence. In our training program you gain an in-depth understanding of the key principles of systemic consulting. The ChangeLab trainer team not only has years of coaching and consulting experience. All of us are practiced in the art of training prospective coaches and consultants. As recognized experts in the fields of system theory, organisational sociology, psychology, neuro-science and leadership systems we integrate recent scientific insights into our training programs. We share the common goal of assuring that our participants gain a differentiated understanding of the principals and methods of systemic consulting. We are convinced that the quality of your work as a consultant depends on your ability to apply these principals with a clear grasp of the relevant context factors. Our training programs are designed to assure you have the skills.
Mastering the craftsmanship: Systemic coaching and consulting is based in science. It is, however, first and foremost a practice. And as with every craftsmanship you not only need a good set of tools. You also need time and space to become skilled in the craft of using these tools. Our training programs are designed to give the participants plenty of opportunities to explore, experiment and practice. We consider giving our participants regular feedback on their strengths and possible areas of improvement as an essential part of our role as trainers. Thus, our training programs are carefully constructed to create an inspiring both cognitive and practical learning journey.